[SOLVED] Amount Trouble ERC20 tranferring


I wrote this and it worked fine for me:

contract = "0x04c747b40be4d535fc83d09939fb0f626f32800b";
myadress = "0x97B6E7647fba574Ca1E9B46eDe48DB7188160cE2";
options2 = {type: "erc20", 
                 amount: Moralis.Units.Token(12, "18").toString(), 
                 receiver: myadress,
                 contractAddress: contract}
await Moralis.transfer(options2)

it shows 12 ITAM in MetaMask

for me your code still show 12000000000000000000

can you remove that token from your metamask? I didn’t have it added in my metamask

I use this in my html:
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/moralis@latest/dist/moralis.js" ></script>

with Moralis.CoreManager.get("VERSION") you can see your Moralis SDK version

version - js0.0.176

when i remove and add token it shown correct amount. Thanks a lot!
It was Problem with MetaMask?


maybe it was a problem with metamask