[SOLVED] Aggregate call requires masterKey

this doesnā€™t work: const result = await query.aggregate(pipeline, {useMasterKey: true}); ?

I get

error - ParseError: unauthorized: master key is required

when I call (after the usual Moralis.start and other queries work nicely)

    const pipeline = [
        {match: {day: 190}} //{gt: 190, lt: 202}}}

    return await query.aggregate(pipeline, {useMasterKey: true})// , {useMasterKey: true})

Edit: Note my first post that Iā€™m using import Moralis from "moralis/node". Is it maybe not ported to the server side backend implementation for node?

did you add the master key to Moralis.start ?

yes I did add it to moralis.Start (Note that other queries work, also typescript does not type hint the option key)

and if you use that syntax from a cloud function, I guess that it works

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It seems that I canā€™t use Moralis.Cloud.define from a moralis/node context. For prototyping a bit cumbersome if I have to move my code definition in another location.

I can try it with the client side of things for the sake of trying, but from what I understood with Cloud code from the parse-server it should work since it defaults to using the master key.

you still need to use that syntax with master key as parameter in cloud code

moralis/node has this signature for query.aggregate
aggregate<V = any>(pipeline: Query.AggregationOptions | Query.AggregationOptions[]): Promise<V>;

and AggregationOptions is missing the Scopeoptions which includes interface ScopeOptions extends SessionTokenOption, UseMasterKeyOption {}

So it seems it never is included there. I assume it was forgotten to update? :thinking:

Yes I also think that it is still necessary to use the option in the Moralis.Cloud context, Iā€™m however not very eager to move to Moralis.Cloud just for that function. Iā€™m now making a more expensive server side computation on my end instead. Would have been nice to use the aggregation pipeline. Well, hopefully in a future release it will be available.

you could call a cloud function with specific parameters and get the result back, as a workaround for now

Please see above post that mentions the lack of Moralis.Cloud.define in the moralis/node.

I would have to create a client side admin page to maintain or update these sort of functions or define it without version control in the console/Moralis dashboard, which seems very cumbersome for my code base. Itā€™s not really an attractive work around for my situation. I explored it a bit before and appreciate the recommendation though :+1:

I still donā€™t understand what this means

you can create a cloud function, upload it to a Moralis Server, and call it there, or you can connect directly to mongo db and run the query there

TypeError: moralis_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default(...).Cloud.define is not a function

yes, I donā€™t expect that to work, I didnā€™t want to say to use that on your server

Yes, and Iā€™m saying that I want to contain my code base under version control in the vicinity of feature development. I donā€™t want to manually move to another admin page or use the moralis dashboard manually and update the query whenever I change something :+1:

Again, thank you for the recommendation, it just isnā€™t the right fit for my situation.

accessing mongo db directly doesnā€™t work for you?

There was the problem with whitelisting IPs, since I have a server that rotates IP addresses, so the automatically regenerating backend will at some point not be able to connect to the database since I canā€™t whitelist a DNS address.

can you give a minimal complete code example with .aggregate that I could also test if it works?

import Moralis from `moralis/node`

const testMoralis = async () => {
appId: ...
serverUrl: ...
masterKey: ...
const pipeline = [
{match: {someField: "fieldValue"}}
const result = await (new Moralis.Query("SomeCollection")).aggregate(pipeline, {useMasterKey: true})

Something like this

this works fine for me:

x = async () => {
    const  Moralis = require('moralis/node')
    await Moralis.start({ serverUrl: "https://afasdf:2053/server", appId: "sdgasdg", masterKey: "sfgsdfg" });

    const pipeline = [
        {match: {username: "Gn6Px7RUd9JkiJLVTdEMD4cen"}}
    const result = await (new Moralis.Query("User")).aggregate(pipeline, {useMasterKey: true})



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It seems that the queries I made before were all on default public fields so they never triggered this error. I had multiple Moralis initialiser definitions with different environment variables for each different test server. The masterkey was passed to the Moralis.start in this case, but it was a copy paste error from another server`s initialiser that only had the correct URL and app id.

Thanks for your help in resolving this. Much appreciated!

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