[SOLVED] About a contract code, reentrancy YouTube tutorial

Alright I’m waiting for your response

I see that this is EscrowUnsafe contract, but I though that you have issues with a different contract

Yes sir Escrow contract attack was related to Escrow contract , but the issues is that I’m having some issues in the code which I wanted you to correct me , the first attack contract I sent,. Seem nice because it has a strong function, so sir can you please check the attack contract. That related to Escrow

I think that you have of fix that import somehow, either to include the code in current file or to save it in a separate file so that you can import it

hello sir please i want to ask, can you tell me different between Reentrancy attacks and _victim

I don’t know that you mean with _victim

like this 
bytes32 _escrowID, address _victim, uint _deposit) external {

The reentrancy attack is a type of attack where the same function is called multiple times. That victim is only a variable in that function

Okay I do what you say but , I think that there’s a problem, I use ether Gorilla testnet to see how attack works but the problem is that I’m getting error, 8t keep failing if I try it

Look at the picture you’ll see it failed, I don’t know why

That looks like a failed transaction, you could also test it directly in remix where you could do some debugging

But after deploy a contract code, it’ll show attack function, but why attack don’t show like victim address
Transfer address
And amount
, I’m thinking if you could help me in this issues, because my code if I click attack it won’t show the details information I wanted , it’ll just go straight to Blockchain

where you don’t see this info?

you tried to deploy the contract in remix?

I deploy the contract code in Remix so the function that it shows wasn’t what I’m expecting to see , it only shows attack and Ether Bank and get balance , but the function I’m expecting to see like , attack should have a function like victim address and receiver address and amount

I hope you understand me

You have to select a contract to deploy and then you also have to select a contract where you want to run that function

This is function I’m talking about, this picture you saw I screenshot it from a video a team of moralis made, I have been looking for the code because the attack have function I wanted

I’ll show you what mine is showing me ,it doesn’t have function