[SOLVED] 1Inch plugin, errors when using bsc network

this is list token function

async function listAvailableTokens() {
const result = await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.getSupportedTokens({
chain: “bsc”, // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
tokens = result.tokens;
let parent = document.getElementById(“token_list”);
for (const address in tokens) {
let token = tokens[address];
let div = document.createElement(“div”);
div.setAttribute(“data-address”, address);
div.className = “token_row”;
let html = <img class="token_list_img" src="${token.logoURI}"> <span class="token_list_text">${token.symbol}</span> ;
div.innerHTML = html;
div.onclick = () => {

this could be the address used for 1Inch as a way to represent BNB that is a native currency

ok thanks, is there a function to convert it?

You need to fix this by replacing it with this

if (currentTrade.from.symbol !== "BNB") {

I tried, it goes wrong

Which token are you swapping from and which token are you swapping to ?

For example if I use cake and usdt, everything is ok, if I use bnb from what I understand it gives me the native address and goes into error

1Inch plugin works fine with BSC. You can try check This code and compare with yours.

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thank you very much, i will check

with your code and my testnet server

2022-05-26 17_54_39-Swap Space D

I’m going crazy: (I don’t understand why it doesn’t go with bnb

What is the error message associated with that 400 error code?
You should be able to see it in network tab in browser

{“result”:{“status”:200,“data”:{“success”:true,“result”:{“error”:422,“message”:“Missing parameters”}}}}

That is in response?
You can also look at the sent payload

2022-05-26 19_04_14-Swap Space D


2022-05-26 19_06_35-Swap Space D

my code for help me :frowning:

contains only 3 files

found the problem, I have no BNB in ​​the wallet

“Not enough 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE.”

but I thought it was opening metamask with the XD message

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