Sending Ether to SCs using at object creation using Remix IDE


I tried two methods for sending Ether to 2 contracts written in Solidity 0.5.3 at the time of object creation but both are giving errors:

First Method

contract testSuite {
/// 'beforeAll' runs before all other tests
/// More special functions are: 'beforeEach', 'beforeAll', 'afterEach' & 'afterAll'
F5 obj1;
STFB5 payable obj2;
function beforeAll() public payable {
   uint a = 10;
   obj1 = new F5();
   payable (address(obj1)).transfer(a);
  obj2 = new STFB5();
   payable (address(obj2)).transfer(a);

Giving Error:

contracts/STFB5_test.sol:21:11: ParserError: Expected identifier but got 'payable'
STFB5 payable obj2;

Second Method

contract testSuite {
// 'beforeAll' runs before all other tests
/// More special functions are: 'beforeEach', 'beforeAll', 'afterEach' & 'afterAll'
F5 obj1;
STFB5 obj2;
function beforeAll() public payable {
uint a = 10;
obj1 = new F5.value(a)(); 
obj2 = new STFB5.value(a)(); 

Gives error:

contracts/STFB5_test.sol:32:19: DeclarationError: Identifier not found or not unique.
obj1 = new F5.value(a)();

Somebody please guide me how to solve this problem.


Is your compiler 0.5.3 version as well?

@Yomoo Yes my friend.

Sorry, I have added all my contracts here:
Sending Ether to SCs from testSuite on Remix IDE