Self-hosting your Moralis server

POST on server/functions/getPluginSpecs

Response 403 Forbidden: {error: ā€œunauthorizedā€}

That usually means that you are not using latest version of Moralis v1 sdk.

Ok, getPluginSpecs works now.

What did I change: the appId is no in sync with the Client and Server.

But now I get the same error when calling

POST sol-getNFTs

Response 403 Forbidden: {error: ā€œunauthorizedā€}

And I do realise that the ā€œmessage signingā€ window doesnā€™t get fired up.

Anyone any idea?


It should be the same issue with the app id missing. You have latest version of v1 sdk?

I have followed instructions in the video but when I authorize with Metamask it gives me an error ā€˜Moralis auth failed, invalid dataā€™. What is wrong?

yes, I do have the latest version v1 of the sdk

Very strange,

I donā€™t set the responseType in my code, but itā€™s usedā€¦ how?

Without the responseType it works, when I use the Dashboard.

the responseType should not be the issue, is there an application is sent in that request?

Unfortunately the server says otherwise:

Iā€™m using this endpoint: functions/sol-getNFTs, so just address and network

you could try to call that cloud function directly only with some parameters

I call like this. As you can see, no responseType is set. Who does that?

probably the sdk somewhere in code, you can call that cloud function directly equivalent with that web3api call

OK, tried to call it manually:


Am I the only one?

what url gave that 403 error there?


is there any difference in network tab compared to how it was when it was called with the api?

'Yes, the responseType is now missing

I mean, all the other fields are the same or not? is there an application id?

how shall the caller authenticate? The api-key is set, all good, still unauthorised.

Tried calling directlyā€¦ and this works