Self hosted Moralis V1, how to use wallet connect v2 with vanilla js

No when i use metamask, i send a different signin message as mentinned in the code above,

this message generated by this line of code

    const { message } = await"requestMessage", { address: account, chain: parseInt(chainId, 16), network: "evm", })

i really don’t know, i mean it’s a basic functionnality, ot should work

here’s my email address, i could share my screen with you

You have to send the same message for when you use wallet connect

but as i mentionned in the messages before, when i do the same thing, i do with metamask line


does not get executed for some reason

You can write me on discord

Try it with a hardcoded message to see if it works to sign that hardcoded message

for sure, send me the username

i can’t do it hardcoded cuz it also sends the users account, due to the function getsigner().getaddress()

This is my user name on discord: crypto_kid#0

Here in the line with message try to use a hardcoded string to see what happens

I did, but same issue, nothing changed, i did when you asked me last night or today morning

i just sent a discord request

Just curious, if you use Django, why do you need this authentication? You can use directly Django authentication with auth api, it is a tutorial for Django, you still have to adapt it to wallet connect

i am getting very similar issues on vanilla js, after adding the project ID i get missing dependency error on console, any work around this?

What is the exact error that you get?

Did you read the entire thread? It has some info about dependencies.