saveIPFS() function is not working as expected

I am not sure where getTokenIdMetadata is in web3api admin interface but what I want to do is

  1. Input name, description and select file from our app
  2. User clicks Mint button on our app
  3. Upload image to ipfs and deploy smart contract
  4. Show all created NFTs in a connected wallet on dashboard page

And I am using Moralis in all around the project. what should I do? if I should do something on admin interface to fetch NFTs then it’s not something I want to do.

what you mean by deploy smart contract?

const jsonFile = new Moralis.File('file.json', { base64: btoa(JSON.stringify(object)) })
      const res = await jsonFile.saveIPFS()

      const provider = new web3.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
      const factory = new web3.ContractFactory(ERC721.abi, ERC721.bytecode, provider.getSigner())
      const contract = await factory.deploy(name, description, res.ipfs())

      await contract.deployed()

why do you want to deploy a smart contract for every NFT?

sorry what do you mean by that? we want to make users be able to create and mint NFTs using our platform.

it just seem that the user has to also deploy a smart contract for every NFT that they want to mint, that seems a little strange, you could reuse the same contract for multiple NFTs too

Yes, I am using the same contract for multiple NFTs