returnValues or Transfer undefined

Can you paste the address that you are using so that we can look on bsc chain? Also the contract address.

the wallet address: “0xd1378f17051e34cf24d92227ea753346d4b3d72e”

TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = “0x28b26a366e608D7e1d4e6FCeb88577029baA435F”;

For me it looks like there is no smart contract deployed at address “0x28b26a366e608D7e1d4e6FCeb88577029baA435F”

When I run truffle migrate it says migrated successfully just like in the video and copied the contract address. Let me check. Thanks man!

0x5B5497059B53880f10D6625eb435c1E51605B586 here is the updated contract address.

2 items is being minted:

how do you know that those 2 items are being minted, what is the transaction that made that smart contract deploy in bsc testnet?

because when I hit create NFT in localhost and after a few mins it is reflected on that testnet address.

I think that you can put there any other address for the smart contract and it will tell you that everything worked ok on minting.
You could test with an address that has last number/letter different than your address that you are using now for your smart contract.

Here is the contract address : 0x5B5497059B53880f10D6625eb435c1E51605B586
and the testnet :

Do you think the problem would be because I was on BSC not on ganache?

Can you show me that transaction hash in testnet.bscscan interface?
I have the impression that your deploy is not done on bsc testnet.



Please fix the link, discourse / forum wont allow me to post full link. Thanks

It looks like this is a transaction where you tried to mint an nft with url.
I wanted to say what is the transaction that created this smart contract in particular.

yup, do you think the problem is either

1.) I have mainnet server in moralis and uses testnet on localhost metamask?

2.) I have used BSC instead of Ganache from the tutorial?

I think that you didn’t properly configure your deployment part and it didn’t deploy to bsc testnet and maybe it deployed on a local chain.
You should use testnet server in Moralis, but I don’t think that is the main problem.

I did exactly the same on the tutorial, I’m following along. This is just the things I change course about

1.) I have mainnet server in moralis and uses testnet on localhost metamask?

2.) I have used BSC instead of Ganache from the tutorial?

in order to use BSC, you have to do some changes in deployment
Maybe you can deploy the smart contract easier in bsc testnet by using remix interface

maybe this helps also:

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Deploying it on remix is still the same if being done locally? And with moralis?

Thanks will take note on this.

Yes, remix deployment is the same. Th only difference, it doesn’t allow many custom configurations.

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just one question, because in the code it has mint function

mintNft = async (metadataUrl) => {
    const receipt =  await tokenContract.methods.createItem(metadataUrl).send({from: ethereum.selectedAddress});



How will I be able to call this if It is deployed in remix? Thank you!