React + Moralis, simple example

I need a simple and functioning example of a React application which will:

  1. authenticate a user
  2. mint an NFT
  3. ā€¦using the latest version of Moralis

I know how to do some of those things individually, but not as a whole, and not in a React application.
And since the version 1.x, thereā€™ve been breaking changes for which thereā€™re no examples, but for some parts only.

can you share the code that you have now?

did you look on ethereum-boilerplate code ( )?

what problems you have now, for authentication or for minting the NFT?

for minting NFT it may depend on what code you used before

this thread may also help: Moralis JS SDK v1.0 (migration to Ethers.js)

react documentation:
and the main documentation:

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I canā€™t share the code because itā€™s under NDA.

Yes. And?

Itā€™s not the first time that you guys reply me as: ā€œlook at that piece hereā€, and ā€œat that piece thereā€, and ā€œone other thereā€. And documentation. And glue them together.


The documentation doesnā€™t cover all the cases. Itā€™s ā€œa bit hereā€, ā€œa bit thereā€. But thereā€™s no complete picture.

I need a complete functioning simple example.

The ethereum-boilerplate may help, but itā€™s a not simple example


you can add snippets of code from your code, and post what error you have

did you try this:

I donā€™t have errors per ser because I donā€™t even know HOW to glue them together.


Once again: I know how to implement all those things individually, and in a pure html-js project.
But I donā€™t know how to glue them together, especially in a React project.

I need a simple and functioning example of a React application which will:

authenticate a user
mint an NFT
ā€¦using the latest version of Moralis

Is there any or not?

I donā€™t know of one that meets that exact criteria. Maybe someone else can help you.

Here is a simple one coined from the Ethereum boilerplate. You can check either on Rinkeby or Mumbai network.Here is the Repository Link, And a Live Preview



text text text text

To run it locally, Iā€™ve created .env file:


The application will run, but when I click the buttons, ā€œmint NFTā€ or ā€œmoralis fileā€ ā€“ nothing will happen at all

What could be an issue?

In Chrome - the same thing.

Although Iā€™ve added an .env file myself, an example of .env file in the project is missing. Therefore, besides those 2 variables, is there anything else in it required?

Actually, no longer works either - it wonā€™t mint an NFT. Yesterday it did.

Itā€™s working fine as I just checked. You can check the console for any error

Iā€™ve posted console above - no errors.

You can try the site on Mumbai if rinkeby doesnā€™t seem to work

Now it works again, with 5 pending transactions.

Pending transaction will be confirmed as it depends on the network.