React moralis authentication issue [SOLVED]

Hi there,

I tried to authenticate a user with authenticate function taken from react-moralis library. The metamask window pops up (i have succesfully connected accound) and after I click sign button the following request to localhost is sent, i got in the console 404 and the user is not authenticated. The request looks like this:


can someone help me with this issue ?

I use

"moralis": "^0.0.54",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-moralis": "^0.2.3",

Are you sure you are using the right Moralis server on initialisation?

I use moralis server pointing to my devchain

Moralis server is what you see in server details in your Moralis dashboard. You donโ€™t have to change that in anything else.

hey, mate , I was setting appId instead of server url. Thanks for the help this was silly mistake.

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