Rarity Ranking Generator doubt

it should have finished, it looks like it didn’t work

so i just need only to wait it to sync?

it seems to be a problem, we’ll have to investigate more

there is nothing to do that my metadata is on a gateway right?

that link seems to work: https://wenlambonft.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/Qma1rEwRL4SShPXHpjCf8f8UfuC2188Jc6DqXyuJim4v2H/12.json, but I don’t know what is the problem now, initially it took some time for that link to load

i can try changing the ipfs

now the metadata is there

I can’t see it yet, mine still appearing the old ipfs (https://wenlambonft.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/Qma1rEwRL4SShPXHpjCf8f8UfuC2188Jc6DqXyuJim4v2H/12.json)

what old ipfs? did the ipfs change?

I changed the ipfs from wenlambonft.mypinata.cloud/ipfs to ipfs://(CID here)/

i still not seeing the metadata

You may have to force resync for token uri now is it was changed

still not working ;/

x = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getTokenIdMetadata({address:"0x7192E7CD2B1FdC9AF318276b1b38e31253d06b2A", token_id: "12", chain: "mumbai"})


amount: "1"
block_number: "24192074"
block_number_minted: "24192074"
contract_type: "ERC721"
frozen: 0
is_valid: 1
metadata: "{\n  \"name\": \"WenLambo's Legendary NFT Collection #12\",\n  \"description\": \"This collection can be used as a digital asset, or to achieve the highest speeds of SmartBCH\",\n  \"image\": \"https://wenlambonft.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcQjVb3yY3bx8tVMd8FfWs1VbRLHeo76C3AJKT2eaALwN/12.png\",\n  \"dna\": \"d277d3f00f93d827a3be79539f96fbd988ebf012\",\n  \"edition\": 12,\n  \"date\": 1642523624391,\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"background\",\n      \"value\": \"rose\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"lambo_colour\",\n      \"value\": \"orange\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"lights\",\n      \"value\": \"red_light\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"hats\",\n      \"value\": \"Sasuke\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"accesories\",\n      \"value\": \"mustard\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"lights\",\n      \"value\": \"red_light\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"trait_type\": \"letters\",\n      \"value\": \"ban\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"compiler\": \"HashLips Art Engine\"\n}"
name: "WenLambo Legendary NFT Collection"
owner_of: "0x4adb16ce845beeea4a05f764f708eec13f4bd61b"
symbol: "WLNFT"
synced_at: "2022-01-24T19:30:37.801Z"
syncing: 2
token_address: "0x7192e7cd2b1fdc9af318276b1b38e31253d06b2a"
token_id: "12"
token_uri: "https://wenlambonft.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/Qma1rEwRL4SShPXHpjCf8f8UfuC2188Jc6DqXyuJim4v2H/12.json"

now, it works, but what i need to make it work is the getalltokensid function to then store the nft collection in moralis. Is there any way to do it?

I didn’t understand exactly what you need to do

I need to make the rarity ranking page but in every step i have a problem, i don’t know if it’s my contract the problem

I will try to make the page with the bored ape collection to see if i have any problem

hey! how are you? i solved all the issues, and i ended the scripts (main.js) now, when i do node main.js the console returns me:

ParseError: schema class name does not revalidate
at handleError (C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\tetas\node_modules\moralis\lib\node\RESTController.js:423:17)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
code: 107

this usually means that there is a space in a name