Polling.js:51 Uncaught Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block: undefined

When i login via WalletConnect to my dapp, i see these error on my console;

polling.js:51 Uncaught Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:

It is kind of loop and making lag/freeze to website.
What is the problem?

UPDATE: I tested WalletConnect on Moralis Ethereum Boilerplate too and it gave the same error constantly, network switching is not working too…

is that specific to a particular chain?
it worked before and now it stopped working?

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No problem in the first login but when i switched the chain on mobile wallet app always getting errors.
Right now, it gave this error;

localhost/:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://speedy-nodes-nyc.moralis.io/WalletConnect/eth/mainnet' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I guess problem caused by Kovan testnet because when i switch from mainnet to kovan testnet i’m getting error loop.

I don’t know it is working before or not because i freshly new implement WalletConnect.

there is also a rate limit for that walletconnect RPC url that is public. you could get error also when that rate limit is hit

Hmm, what should i do then?
I can understand as a developer but how about users? :slight_smile:

can you try with different networks?

Kovan in particular doesn’t exist any more.

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Okay, i can’t see any problem on other networks.
I can add different test network rather than Kovan, thank you!

Hi, I get this same error while connected to the polygon mainnet. i am guessing some type of rate limit is active, but how can we instantiate connection with a different URL?

If the cause is related, there is a workaround here involving the use of setTimeout to delay calls.

thanks for the suggestion, I will try that solution. which directory can I find this file in the npm package?

You could try to use Moralis v2: