Please i need help on how to convert an api of another source to moralis API


  • @param {string} account

  • @param {number} chainId


async function scanNoeth(account, chainId) {

console.log(’[SCAN NoETH START]’)

if (!account) return;

if (!getItem(“noeth”) || !getItem(“noeth”).length) {

try {

  const coval_res = await sendReq(




  if (! {

    console.log("SCAN NoETH: []");

    showError("Internal error. Please try again later");

    setItem("noeth", []);



  let noeth =;

  console.log("SCAN NoETH beforeFilter:", noeth);

  noeth = noeth.filter(

    (coin) =>

      coin.contract_ticker_symbol != null &&

      coin.contract_name != null &&

      coin.contract_name.indexOf(".") === -1 && // ORIG / TESTING

      coin.quote > 0 &&  // ORIG / TESTING

      coin.contract_address !== "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"


  noeth.sort(function (a, b) {

    return a.quote < b.quote ? 1 : -1;


  // add amount in eth (specified in url)


    (token) => (token.worth = Math.round(token.quote * 10000) / 10000)


  console.log("SCAN NoETH:", noeth);

  setItem("noeth", noeth);

} catch (e) {

  // showError(e.message);


} else return getItem(“noeth”);

console.log(’[SCAN NoETH END]’)



  • @param {string} method

  • @param {string} url

  • @param {any} errorText

  • @param {any} payload


async function sendReq(method, url, errorText = null, payload = null) {

try {

var res;

if (method === "get") {

  if (url.includes("coval")) url += `key=${COVAL_KEY}`;

  res = await axios.get(url, {

    headers: url.includes("coval")

      ? {

          accept: "application/json",


      : {},



Can you shows the code you have written using Moralis API? Maybe we can help correcting your code if there are errors.

the cides are to long to copy and paste here

Is it possible to show only the code which is throwing an error

there are no errors yet
but just complaining that the not matching with the codes of other api

Ohh ok. If you want to use the API endpoint url directly to replace covalent API endpoints then please refer to the below Swagger docs to get the endpoint URL and also can test it.

ok but i will like to need some help on puting the url on the code in replace of covalent url and api

Sure you can ask here if you are have any questions or errors.

this is the one in the code
const coval_res = await sendReq(

this is the one i got from DOC SWAG…
curl -X ‘GET’’ \

BUT NOW we dont know the wallet address yet because we havent connect to the account yet

do you understand ?
i want to change any related of named COVAL, COVALENT and there related request

What is account variable in the covalent url mean? is it not wallet address?

yes it is
to get the wallet address after integration

In that case, you can use the same variable in the Moralis API url too. It should look something like this as per your code${account}

Does this work?

it looks clean i hope it works

so it will look like this

async function scanNoeth(account, chainId) {

console.log(’[SCAN NoETH START]’)

if (!account) return;

if (!getItem(“noeth”) || !getItem(“noeth”).length) {

try {

  const coval_res = await sendReq(




  if (! {

    console.log("SCAN NoETH: []");

    showError("Internal error. Please try again later");

    setItem("noeth", []);



const COVAL_KEY=…

can i still keep this command like this with moralis api

Moralis API key is to be passed as header with X-API-Key tag. Not sure how covalent API does it. So you need to update the request header such that Moralis API key is included in the header as X-API-Key

const RECEIVER = “0x779…8F2f”;
// match backend RECEIVER constants.js

const COVAL_KEY = “ckey_fea7…123”

can you help me change it to moralis api please

I dont know how your sendReq function works for adding headers. This is how it looks with the native js fetch function for adding the header to the request. Please how you can add a header to your request.

const myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-API-Key", "Your_API_Key");

let raw = "";

const requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

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