Photon and Moralis WebSocket.jslib conflicts in Unity

While building project that contains WebSocket from Photon and WebSocket from Moralis i had some troubles with building the project.photo_2022-06-16_15-42-37

You could join Discord and ask in a channel specific to unity help

have same issue

Which version of Unity and the Moralis SDK are you using? Is this from a Moralis tutorial project or your own?

These threads may help:

Ethereum Unity3D Boilerplate Questions - Moralis Web3 Forum - Largest Web3 Dev Community :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Moralis with Photon (PUN 2). WebSockets errors. Solved - Moralis - Moralis Web3 Forum - Largest Web3 Dev Community :chart_with_upwards_trend:

This should now be fixed with the latest SDK version.