Passing a current users wallet into the getnfts options

Code didnt copy right. I had to delete carrots off the front of a few lines to make it copy correctly. So it may look a little funny.

script src=“”>

script src=“”>

script src="">

Do these links look right? I took the http off the front of the third link because I can only post 2 links.

Links look ok to me.
Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs(); gets the address from current authenticated user as you don’t give it an address as a parameter.

Thanks for checking that cryptokid. How do you authenticate a user that is signing in? Here is the code I am using to log the user in.


//connect to Moralis server

Moralis.initialize("lRCkcYjDbFtpxYwnA4un13UtUi7RqBfVtyjx5g0n"); // Application id from

Moralis.serverURL = ""; //Server url from

//Display login button and let user login

async function login(){

  console.log("login clicked");

  var user = await Moralis.Web3.authenticate(); //wait for user to authenticate


    console.log(user); //print user to console


    // get NFTs for current user on Mainnet

    async function getNFTs(){

     // const options = { chain: 'eth', address: 'ethereum.selectedAddress' };

      const nfts = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs();




      let url = fixURL(nft.token_uri);


      .then(response => response.json())

      .then(data => {



          $("#content").html($("#content").html()+"<img src='"+fixURL2(data.image)+"'></img>");





function fixURL(url){


    return ""+url.split("ipfs://ipfs/").slice(-1)[0];



    return url+"?format=json"





Looking at this code I have the impression that login function doesn’t have it’s ending } before a new getNFTs function starts to get defined.

A user is logged in when the login function gets executed

That definitely solved some of the problems. However now I am getting this error. From line 39: nfts.forEach(function(nfts){ Here is the error message:

riews.html:39 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: nfts.forEach is not a function
at getNFTs (riews.html:39)

I tried adding a } after the getNFTs function but that just led me to getting the error below.

riews.html:39 Uncaught ReferenceError: nfts is not defined
at riews.html:39

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you can try to look at this example: How To Get User NFTs? All NFTs Owned by Address - @Ivan on Tech Explains

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