Parse Error 141 on watchEthAddress

try again in 10 minutes, I think that I found out what happened, trying a hard reset to the server

still having the same errors for some reason.

ok, it looks like the problem is still there, it seems to be related to redis, I don’t know how to fix it now

what can I do? I need that stuff to be working cause I pay a subscription for that app to run :S

I will have to ask the team on how to fix it

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thanks, maybe if you are gonna get in touch with devs anyway you can also try to get a status for the unionWith aggregation if possible. Cheers

it looks like an invalid event sync was added with an invalid abi (an abi that doesn’t contain an event)

don’t know yet if is related to the problem

I deleted that invalid event sync now and restarted coreservices

can you check if it works now?

unfortunatly no difference. That event you are talking about I remember having added roughly 2 weeks ago. I dont think that is the cause of the issue as I used the function several time eversince then.

edit, after few minutes the collection has some new documents stored, seems to have worked now but I got other errors that I am rate limited on that server which is currently running on the 199 USD plan. Is there anyway to increase rate limit for cash?

the server seems to be overloaded now in 100% cpu sometimes

you can increase that limit with a better plan, you can send an email to [email protected] if you want to increase that limit

it seems to have synced historical data as well now for the new addresses even tho I passed sync_historical to false for these new addresses. Could be the reason why its showing rate limited now

you could also try this syntax:

    const results = await"watchEthAddress", {address: "afdasfdda", syncHistorical: false}, {useMasterKey: true})

maybe delete everything from this server/(unwatch the addresses) and start over?

what did you see as synced historically?
maybe are some addresses with lots of transactions

EthNFTTransfers has data with a blocktimestamp from April 13th thats how I saw it. Before the collection was empty

yes, but it looks like addresses were added to sync since 6 April

I synced addresses many times but I wiped the EthNFTTransfers collection before I added the new ones now and these show up up with old data now.

it looks like some things were stuck because of that invalid event sync, maybe that is why you see some old data now

alright. I keep an eye on that thank you for the time and help mate. Keep me posted on the unionWith topic please as I am stuck at the development stage due to this. That would be cool