Object Not Found on Update

you can try .find instead of .first and then to get the first element, it shouldn’t be a difference

That was the first approach that i tried. Then i found Moralis: Updating Objects which used .first()

The table has many rows. Like 23k, could that be related?

what is the server url?
it shouldn’t be a problem with 23k rows


does it work with other tables or it never worked?

I have not needed to update other tables. I can try i guess.

It has never worked, this is my first time implementing it.

List/Get/Create all seem to work fine. It is only the update that is letting me down.

This table was populated with Direct Database access. That could be another difference.


import json
import pymongo

MONGO_HOST = "2342"
MONGO_PORT = 56728

con = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)
qualifier_table = con['parse']['AirdropQualifier']

with open(f"qualifier_data.json","r") as json_file:
    white_list = json.load(json_file)


The createdAt and updatedAt fields are (undefined)

I saw that the table seems to have strange data, like no createdAt or updatedAt, and the objectId seems strange, maybe that is the problem

I’ll try adding those fields when i populate the database. This is starting to make sense!

It’s looking better in the tables, but still the same error.

can you try not to set the objectId and maybe it creates automatically an object id?

That’s what we did originally.

I tried again, setting only createdAt and updatedAt and it now has duplicated ids.

I’ll try doing it manually via the Moralis SDK but with 23k rows it is not ideal.

where is bulk write too

createdAt and updatedAt shouldn’t be the problem, but that ID didn’t look like an id with the same format as in the other tables

BulkWrite only works from cloudfunctions.

This is going to take awhile.

can you test first if it works fine with few rows?

It fails with 20 rows. All objectIds appear to be unique

This works. It appears to be an issue with direct database access. When i manually upload each row individually, then the cloud function works just fine.

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Hi Daniel,

I write this code on Job Clound and I got same issue like you, I just have 1 row :).

      const query_trans = new Moralis.Query('Transactions');
      const results = await query_trans.first({useMasterKey: true});
      logger.info(JSON.stringify(results)); <---- Print correct
      results.set('status', 1);
      await results_trans.save(null, {useMasterKey: true})

But got error Object Not Found

I don’t know why ??

Did you do any changes to the database by connecting directly to mongo db?