Transfer not working in react native app

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘EventEmitter.prototype.

when I have import moralis-reactnative module , I am getting this issue.
please help me

maybe you can post in a thread specific to react native boilerplate:

thank you
It is working fine

const web3Provider = await Moralis.enableWeb3();

const web3Js = new Web3(web3Provider)

const ethers = Moralis.web3Library

const receiver = "0x97EA4A24535B5b52C3e15912071F469AC2Ebcfb7"

const tokenInst = new ethers.Contract(receiver, Abi, web3Provider)

const amounti = web3.utils.toWei('1', 'ether')

hi how are you ?
let fromAddress = user.get(“ethAddress”)

// console.log('tokenInst', tokenInst.methods.transfer(receiver, amounti)).send

tokenInst.transfer(receiver, amounti).send({ from: fromAddress }, async function (error, result) { //get callback from function which is your transaction key

  if (!error) {



  } else {





In this code ,I have got network request failed
Can you help me ?

maybe you can try to use Moralis.transfer directly

so I have one issue
It have to work in our network without ethereum or BSC.

This is our network

Wyzth Chain Testnet

I want to tansfer USDT token in this network
how can I do ?

you need to add that network in metamask, and after that it should work

I have already added.
so Can you send usdt transfering example code by our api and contact address.

you need to know the contract address for USDT in that particular network, and after that to do a transfer like you would do in any other network

I know api and contact address

then how can I do ?
Can you send demo ?

I don’t have a demo, you can read in documentation:

thanks I have done.
I have called by useWeb3ExecuteFunction.
But I have another issue.

tokenInst.transfer(receiver, amounti).send({ from: fromAddress }, async function (error, result) { //get callback from function which is your transaction key

  if (!error) {



  } else {





In here I have called transfer function.
Then I need to call send function .
how can I call ?

automatically will use send when using useWeb3ExecuteFunction with a non read only function

but when It called send function,we have from parameter.
I have to give that value by that parameter

it may set some default value as current wallet address for that from parameter

how can I give ?

const ShowUniswapObserveValues = () => {

const { web3 } = useMoralis()

const amounti = web3.utils.toWei(‘1’, ‘ether’)

const receiver = “0x97EA4A24535B5b52C3e15912071F469AC2Ebcfb7”

const { data, error, fetch, isFetching, isLoading } = useWeb3ExecuteFunction({

abi: Abi,

contractAddress: “0xb65A60C3EE6D2cb39010e6e51337B2AB6869a5d5”,

functionName: “balanceOf”,

params: {

to :receiver,




if (error) {

return (

<View style={styles.marginLarge}>






return (


  buttonStyle={{ width: 200, backgroundColor: "green" }}

  containerStyle={{ margin: 5 }}


    borderWidth: 2,

    borderColor: "#00F",


  onPress={() => fetch()}


  loadingProps={{ animating: true }}

  title="Send transaction"></Button>

{data && <Text>





In this code , what should I fix ?

I don’t know what you should fix, I can not understand all that code

you can see here how to post code on forum:

thank you
After ‘send’ function calling , It is not showing confirm form in metamask app

is there any error, was metamask connected?