No pools found with enough liquidity, to calculate the price

Greetings, Fellow Moralians!

I am trying to get a token price in previous blocks, but im getting the following error:
"No pools found with enough liquidity, to calculate the price"

It is working for ETH chain, but not for the BSC.
This is the endpoint that I am hitting:

Thank you :slight_smile:

where from did you get that block number? it looks to be from the future

Sorry, it was wrong cos I was doing some testing. I am getting the same error with this block: 12926284

this works:
x = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getTokenPrice({address: โ€œ0x580de58c1bd593a43dadcf0a739d504621817c05โ€, chain: โ€œbscโ€, exchange: โ€œPancakeSwap-v2โ€, to_block: 9487565 });

the problem seems to be related to the fact that BSC archive nodes are not yet synced

You are right, thank you very much for your fast support :slight_smile: