No metadata found for some NFTs

I faced this issue you have any solution about this?

In need more info about your specific case. You can create a new forum post for it.

Hi, Iā€™m still facing the metadata sync issue.

My contract is 0x2bCEd6862b72EC4421f6C7412C040cEc1364c043 on Goerli

The contract is definitely okay, Iā€™ve deployed it before on another chain, with the same metadata.

it looks like it is not indexed yet, if it doesnā€™t get fixed today weā€™ll have to investigate

Still nothing unfortunately. Refetch returns this:

  "status": "The metadata could not be updated! Try again later"

The synced_at time does update, the URI is there, but the metadata doesnā€™t load.
One thing Iā€™m noticing is that the URI is on which is not accessible.

now it looks like the contract is indexed, it looks like a problem with metadata in particular

can you try to resync the metadata now?

Itā€™s working. Thank you!

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For me now itā€™s not working.

What is the specific case that is not working now?

Today i minted some nfts that data i canā€™t get.itā€™s comes token id 0-25 only

can you share mode info about that case?

If i minted nft or buy the nft i got response response 10 mins or some times 1 day
later from moralisis.

We did have some problems last few days. If you are still having problems you can paste the contract address, chain, token id so we can investigate that particular case.


I am handling webhooks for confirmed transfers. Here is an example. Happens consistently.

Both getting and syncing calls result in the error:

ā€œstatusā€: ā€œThe metadata could not be updated! Try again laterā€

Is there a delay between when a confirmed transaction reported from Moralis arrives back to me and when I should go looking for its metadata via a rest call? Iā€™d like to wait as little as possible since people donā€™t tend to be very patient about waiting.



Hi that address isnā€™t a contract on Ethereum. resyncMetadata requires a contract address and token ID.

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Double and triple checking but most proper

Majority of confirmed NFT transfers Iā€™ve received from Moralis result in no metadata when hitting your API with the contract_address, token_id, chain_id for getting metadata and/or syncing it first.

Iā€™m waiting 6 hours after receiving the transfer to try to pull its metadata. Should I wait longer?

I can get you dozens of these failures but ideally you can help me ensure that upon receiving an nft transfer that I can pull its metadata so that I can render it.



can you paste that request URL that gives you that error?

also, try with uri flag instead of metadata flag

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: xxx'

If you need more tests, let me know.