NFT objects return null values for metadata and token_ui fields

static ipfs address

Which part? ipfs:// is the protocol for IPFS - the hash or CID is what you get when you upload content to IPFS.

If you mean gateway (for accessing IPFS content on the web e.g. in a browser), you can use one like (a common public one) or which Moralis provides.

lols, i know that part…
is this a static ipfs url you guys provide?

i use this to upload
const metaDataFile = new Moralis.File(“metadata.json”, {base64 : btoa(JSON.stringify(metaData))});
await metaDataFile.saveIPFS();
const metaDataURI = await metaDataFile.ipfs();
let ipfs = metaDataFile._ipfs;

that’s a different ipfs address every time…
how to I keep it to one ipfs address?

You can’t. You can look into IPNS maybe - that page also explains why the IPFS hash changes .