Nestjs how sent requests to moralis from my back-end part of the app?

is it correct way or I should add something to the token_uri?

usually you have a json on token_uri and not an image, and in that json you could find a link to an image

but when I click token_uri it replaces me to the page -

can you paste that token_uri?

yep -

And code if need it )

it looks like that link doesn’t work for me in the browser either, maybe there is a problem now with what opensea returns, or maybe it was the wrong token_uri added there for that NFT

can you paste the details for that nft? like token_address, token_id, chain

total: 1,
page: 0,
page_size: 500,
result: [
token_address: ‘0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963’,
token_id: ‘69517681738723752413678235047961533985186127351306249232322221533464111349761’,
block_number_minted: ‘22661760’,
owner_of: ‘0x1b3907db0a6b842850f1392df8845028b8ed980a’,
block_number: ‘22661760’,
amount: ‘1’,
contract_type: ‘ERC1155’,
name: ‘OpenSea Collections’,
symbol: ‘OPENSTORE’,
token_uri: ‘’,
metadata: null,
synced_at: ‘2021-12-18T07:41:45.967Z’,
is_valid: 0,
syncing: 2,
frozen: 0
status: ‘SYNCED’
} here nfts

Address of user correct i have been checked it when got response

and chain is - matic

@Yomoo Hi, do you know the reasons why I cant get pictures of the nft when I follow the link - token_uri ?

I’ll try to investigate more, I didn’t figure it out yet what it is going on here

maybe something wrong with x-api keys at the url?
is there should be something like - https://…/x-api-key=… or smth like that?

The NFT seems to be malformed - if the token_uri can’t be opened by third-party applications - third party applications can’t integrate the NFT

So is it possible to get nfts image from opensea using Moralis ?

i could send a request to opensea straight and get nfts without Moraslis but my task looks like - get nfts images using Moralis and i confused …
is it possible ?

  • I want build structure when Moralis send request himself and i just get response with token url and when click could see the img

in that particular case it looks like the API from opensea doesn’t work properly, and we don’t have a way to get the metadata for those NFTs

So problem is in the opensea service ?