Nestjs how sent requests to moralis from my back-end part of the app?

now I am trying to get an answer from the service but I came across such an error - (I am using nestjs and typescript )

you could try with my code, maybe it returns an error for those parameters
you could also try to catch the error

I mean only the line with the web3api call

I got an NFT of some user but when I try to click the link i get this - ( I want to see a picture of nft when I follow the link from a return but I get this answer)

I see that you can get the NFT data, you have there token_uri and also metadata

how did you get to that opensea url?

I just open token_uri =)

is it correct way or I should add something to the token_uri?

usually you have a json on token_uri and not an image, and in that json you could find a link to an image

but when I click token_uri it replaces me to the page -

can you paste that token_uri?

yep -

And code if need it )

it looks like that link doesn’t work for me in the browser either, maybe there is a problem now with what opensea returns, or maybe it was the wrong token_uri added there for that NFT

can you paste the details for that nft? like token_address, token_id, chain

total: 1,
page: 0,
page_size: 500,
result: [
token_address: ‘0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963’,
token_id: ‘69517681738723752413678235047961533985186127351306249232322221533464111349761’,
block_number_minted: ‘22661760’,
owner_of: ‘0x1b3907db0a6b842850f1392df8845028b8ed980a’,
block_number: ‘22661760’,
amount: ‘1’,
contract_type: ‘ERC1155’,
name: ‘OpenSea Collections’,
symbol: ‘OPENSTORE’,
token_uri: ‘’,
metadata: null,
synced_at: ‘2021-12-18T07:41:45.967Z’,
is_valid: 0,
syncing: 2,
frozen: 0
status: ‘SYNCED’
} here nfts

Address of user correct i have been checked it when got response