Nested Async for javascripts

Hi there
I need to make some thing
that idea i need to know how many holder of My NFT (ERC1155)

yes i can do this

const ownerToken = async() => {
            const nftOptions = {
                address: "0xF35d7ad949394a768E3678F55695cB2D352a96Ax",
                token_id: "1",
                chain: "Rinkeby"

            tokenIdOwners = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getTokenIdOwners(nftOptions);


but next i need to know howmany user has ETH and has other NFT

i try to use async inside .then but not working
how i do this ?

but next i need to know howmany user has ETH and has other NFT

Do you mean checking the user’s native balance and all owned NFTs?

You can just add additional API calls after getTokenIdOwners (either in the same function, or in separate functions like you’ve done now).

tokenIdOwners = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getTokenIdOwners(nftOptions);

const balance = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNativeBalance(options);

Hi grad
Thank you for answer
I need explain my question in picture

because i just need all info from my holder to make dynamic NFT that can change by the holder.

When each user (Peter, David, Olivia) logs in, then you can call getTokenIdOwners or any other API endpoint for that user however you want e.g. as soon as they log in or by clicking a button. Unless the flow you want is different? It’s still not clear to me.