[SOLVED] Need some clarification in "How to Create an NFT Marketplace" tutorial by Daniel

another question: what’s the coordinatorKey in the Cloud code part of the tutorial?

that will be the private key of the wallet using which you will pay the gas for listing.

coordinatorKey = private key of the wallet

“For this you will need a NFT smart contract address, which has some minted NFTs…”

Do you mean the “marketplace contract address” used in his video? the one beginning with 0x44…"?

Also I used this address but still not getting any images. So its either its not longer valid or am I mistaken that first must be logged into a wallet before entering the marketplace? (That is implement a login code to open a wallet pop-up so a user can login first, because I do not see any of this part being in the marketplace code in the tutorial)

No. You need to have some NFT’s owned by your wallet address and these NFT’s will be on different smart contracts. Marketplace contract address only processes the buy/sells of you NFT.

If you check this getNFTs function in logic.js file, you will see that we are getting the NFT’s of the logged in user and stored the data in an array which later is used by the generateNFTDisplay to built the UI.

The contract address from the generated UI is later used by the placeOffering function to perform the listing on marketplace smart contract .

I see… but what exactly should the smart contract in this case be… is the same “nft_contract” used for the minting? If I understood correctly there are 2 contracts to be used in creating an NFT Marketplace… (1) marketplace_contract and (2) nft-minting_contract… Am I missing anything?

In the screenshot, what does the “nft_market_place_address” mean? Is it the wallet address that was used to deploy the marketplace smart contract? Or is it the marketplace_smart contract address (contract created using Remix etc)…

It’s the contract address for the MarketPlace contract. You can go to the repo to see it.

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Thank you! I also advise you to read about cost to build an nft marketplace here: https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/nft-marketplace-development-cost/