Moralis V2 queries question

Hi! Before I used moralis-1v and I used
let query = new Moralis.Query(‘NewTransactions’)
let subscription = await query.subscribe()
for checking update at my moralis database.
But after start using self-hosted server I’m using mongodb and moralis-2v. So for now I need to create this function myself? Or moralis already has some way for it?

this code is in front end or in backend?

if you want to make it work in front end you have to add the table in parse server config in order to make it work with live queries

Hey our error is before this step. We have an error when try use Moralis.Query. But this step needs in the Moralis.Query

we are trying to set it up with moralis V2, but we are not sure it is the best solution, maybe better for us to stick with V1

Can you give more context where you want to use Moralis.query? Parse.query doesn’t work?

We need to get info at client-side from mongodb every time when we’ll have new transaction (new record at db).
Before it we only used Moralis.start, and After it we need get info after new transaction from this address from stream

and you are using moralis v1 sdk in front end with parse server in backend or a different configuration?

you can use moralis v1 sdk in front end with a self hosted server that uses parse server

before we used moralis v1 with Moralis hosted servers. But for now we changed it to self-hosted server with pars server and try to use moralis v2. I thought moralis v1 - old version which can be discontinued in the future

You can still use moralis v1 sdk in front end, in backend you use moralis v2, in front end you can still use moralis v1 sdk.
You can also use parse server SDK directly if you want as the backend is parse server.
V1 SDK is discontinued, but it still works.