Moralis Upgradeable Smart Contract Tutorial

Hey @zap, it’s pretty normal to have time out error when deploying, you can simply try migrate again and it’ll continue the migration from where it left off, if the node is too unstable that it timeout very frequently, I suggest you try to use public RPC url

Thanks for your Reply!
tried migrate many time but not working
try to deploy to local network but caused me this error
Error: Artifacts are from different compiler runs

problem solved in local network
i have deleted src/contract [folder] and made empty contract [folder]
and change the in truffle-config.js changed network_id: “",
networks: {
develop: {
host: “”,
port: 7545,
chainId: 1337,
network_id: "

but problem persist with Rinkeby network

yeah if you get error of truffle compile all, just delete the contracts folder and recompile everything, sometimes that happens, and for rinkeby, I think it should already be configured there, you just need to have your Moralis Speedy nodes key (something I named myself), which is something in between the RPC URLs

Hi @YosephKS
Can you share the contracts (Solidity files)?

Hey @niknak, it’s open source and you can find it in the Youtube description or on this thread, just scroll up to the top :raised_hands:

I am having the same issue. Not sure what you are referring to when you say " delete all the ABIs in src/contracts"

Could you please elaborate? I seem to be stuck.

Which issue exactly? He means to find the .json files (ABIs) that are compiled from your contracts and delete them.

when running yarn test I also receive the error
“Error: Artifacts are from different compiler runs Run a full recompilation using truffle compile --all”. Even though it compiles successfully outside of yarn test.

So I need to go through the .json files within the src/contracts folder and just make sure every reference to abi is empty? or remove the abi variable all together? and should it be deleted from every .json file in the folder or a specific one?

Sorry I understand the solidity fine. Its the web development aspect and interdependencies that are throwing me off.

So delete those artifact/JSON files that are automatically generated when you compile contracts.

You don’t need to delete any pointers to them in other files; they will be generated again after another compile. You can try that truffle compile --all command also.

Back up your project just in case.

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Ah! I see. Thank you very much. That worked perfectly. I really appreciate the quick response :handshake:

I successfully run

npm run compile


npm run test

However, when running

npm run migrate --network rinkeby

it always fail on error:

> Something went wrong while attempting to connect to the network at Check your network configuration.

Could not connect to your Ethereum client with the following parameters:
    - host       >
    - port       > 7545
    - network_id > 5777
Please check that your Ethereum client:
    - is running
    - is accepting RPC connections (i.e., "--rpc" or "--http" option is used in geth)
    - is accessible over the network
    - is properly configured in your Truffle configuration file (truffle-config.js)

Truffle v5.5.11 (core: 5.5.11)
Node v16.14.2

I configured MORALIS_SPEEDY_NODES_KEY in my .env file. But for some reason it tries to connect to the localhost. Please, do you have an idea why?

How are you using your speedy node environment variable? Check your Truffle config, the rinkeby network setting is still pointing to your localhost.

Thank you, glad, for your quick response!
I’m using it the same way, how it is described in the tutorial. Relevant fragment from truffle-config.js:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    develop: {
      host: "",
      port: 3000,
      chainId: 1337,
      network_id: "*",
    rinkeby: {
      provider: () =>
        new HDWalletProvider(
          }/eth/rinkeby${process.env.ARCHIVE === true ? "/archive" : ""}`
      network_id: 4,
      skipDryRun: true,

What I found so far:

  • the truffle-config.js IS being used (if I delete it, I receive an error: Could not find suitable configuration file)
  • no matter what network I specify on the input, localhost is always applied. I can even use some nonsense like npm run migrate --network notConfiguredNetwork and it uses localhost anyway.

OK, I probably found the issue.
I have to run truffle develop before running truffle migrate --network rinkeby.

Is it a correct approach? I miss this step in the tutorial.

Hmm, truffle develop seems to be for using a local blockchain still. Is everything working otherwise?

Can anyone tell me why truffle compile seems to be failing. Looks like it isn’t recognizing my @openzeppelin contracts. I have tried reinstalilng the @openzeppelin/contracts a few times. I have also tried truffle compile and truffle compile --all but no luck.

Am i referencing the path wrong by doing…
import “Truffle/node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC1155/ERC1155Upgradeable.sol”;

i added the Truffle/node_modules/ to the path becasue without it wasn’t detecting and showing an error with red line under it. When i added the Truffle/node_modules/ in front the error went away but seems to be failing upon compile. Anyone have an idea what the issue may be?

Do @openzeppelin/... imports not work? What were the errors? Have you tried this?

Yes that path you’re trying isn’t working. I assume it’s trying from where that contract file is locally; not from your project root (where your public/src folders are).

yeah your path seems wrong, you can just import @openzeppelin/.. directly there since there’s node_modules under Truffle project

Thanks for the reply. As you can see when i just do @openzeppelin it says it can’t find the path, but the path is correct. Very strange. I am certain the openzeppelin contracts are installed and those are the correct paths but its not recognizing it. Worst case scenario i can try to re-download the boiler plate and start from scratch, but any idea why this might be happnening? As you can see my folder structure is the same as yours right? I also tried reinstalling with “npm install @openzeppelin/contracts” too and it still does not recognize the path. Thanks again for the help.