Moralis.transfer doesn't return receipt WalletConnect [SOLVED]

When I use matamask on my desktop I get the result, when I use wallet connect with trustwallet on my phone I donā€™t get the result

What do you mean with results exactly?

The transaction doesnā€™t happen?

What results do you expect

The transactions happens, but I canā€™t get the, transactionhash and the rest of them

Hey @mremmalex

Iā€™ll test it now

What do you use to get them?

let result = await Moralis.transfer({
                            type: 'erc20',
                            amount: Moralis.Units.Token(tokenAmount, "9"),
                            receiver: depositAddress,
                            contractAddress: tokenContractAddress,

this is the code
have been trying not working

i just send the code Iā€™m using, want to see all the info moralis.transfer returns

Does your mobile browser support console?

Iā€™m just trying to understand what does I donā€™t get the result mean

You see the code, it has a variable names result ā€œlet resultā€ which should have the transactionhash the blockhash as a result is of moralis.transfer right, but if I log the variable result, after the transfer it doesnā€™t show anything, until I disconnect the wallet connect and connect back

Can you share the whole code that you use?

console.log(result); usually doesnā€™t show anything on a phone browser in case that you expect something there.

im not logging on a phone browser but firefox

import React from "react";
import { useMoralis } from "react-moralis";
import { Stack, Container, Button, Box, Text, Heading } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
const Pay = () => {
    const { id, amount } = useParams();
    const tokenPrice = amount;
    const mainDepositAddress = "0xa1f36CA9f777385e4665309B3A60B7462D287076";
    const testDepositAddress = "0x6f4F884997E56268f1a3b23db5D298FC2DBA8420"
    const tokenContractAddress = "0xf7d5fe48d422c6c62736046e11bd5a5cdeb95a54"
    const { Moralis, authenticate, isAuthenticating, isAuthenticated, user, logout, isWeb3Enabled, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();
    async function WalletAuthentication() {
        await authenticate({
            provider: "walletconnect",
            chainId: 56,
            signingMessage: "You Can Processed To Deposit"

    async function balance() {

        const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({ chain: "bsc" });
        balances.forEach(async (token) => {
            if (token.token_address === tokenContractAddress) {
               let tokenBalance = token.balance / ('1e' + token.decimals)
                let tokenMainAmount = tokenPrice / ('1e' + token.decimals)

    function MetamaskAuthentication() {
        authenticate({ signingMessage: "Proccessed To Deposit" })


    React.useEffect(async () => {
        if (!isWeb3Enabled && isAuthenticated) {
                provider: "walletconnect",
                chainId: 56
    }, [isWeb3Enabled, isAuthenticated, enableWeb3]);
    document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
        if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
    async function Transfer() { 
            const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({ chain: "bsc" });
            balances.forEach(async (token) => {
                if (token.token_address === tokenContractAddress) {
                   let tokenBalance = token.balance / ('1e' + token.decimals)
                    let tokenMainAmount = tokenPrice / ('1e' + token.decimals)
                    // console.log(tokenBalance);
                    try {
                        if (tokenBalance >= tokenMainAmount) {
                            let result = await Moralis.transfer({
                            type: 'erc20',
                            amount: Moralis.Units.Token(tokenMainAmount, "9"),
                            receiver: testDepositAddress,
                            contractAddress: tokenContractAddress,
                        } else {
                            console.log("not Enough Token");
                    } catch (error) {


    if (!isAuthenticated && !user) {
        return (
            <Container padding="10" maxH="8xl" maxW="xl" centerContent bg="blue.900">
                <Box padding='10' maxW="3xl" >
                    <Stack spacing="7px">
                        <Heading color="white" size="lg">Deposit</Heading>
                        <Text color="white"><Text color="white" fontSize="3xl">{tokenPrice} WFT</Text>will be deducted from your WFT wallet</Text>
                        <Text fontSize="lg" color="white">please login to continue</Text>
                        <Button colorScheme="blue" onClick={() => WalletAuthentication()}>WalletConnect</Button>

    return (
        <Container padding="10" maxH="8xl" maxW="xl" centerContent bg="blue.900" >
            <Box padding='10' maxW="3xl" >
                <Stack spacing="7px">
                    <Heading color="white" size="lg">Deposit</Heading>
                    <Text color="white"><Text color="white" fontSize="3xl">{tokenPrice} WFT</Text>will be deducted from your WFT wallet</Text>
                    <Button colorScheme="green" onClick={() => Transfer()}>deposit</Button>
                    <Button colorScheme="red" isLoading={isAuthenticating} disabled={isAuthenticating} onClick={() => logout()}>logout</Button>

export default Pay;

Please always format your code as in this example READ BEFORE POSTING - How to post code in the forum :raised_hands:

We need time to reproduce the issue. Thank you :man_mechanic:

will be anticipating for a reply

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It works correctly if you use event callbacks. Check the docs

Iā€™m not sure if this is a bug because it looks like WalletConnect just works this way.

So here is code I used:

async function send() {
    const requestDetails = {
      type: "native",
      amount: Moralis.Units.ETH("0.00005"),
      receiver: "0x259...a45",
      awaitReceipt: false, // should be switched to false

    const tx = await Moralis.transfer(requestDetails);
    tx.on("receipt", (receipt) => alert(receipt))
      .on("transactionHash", (hash) => alert(hash))
      .on("receipt", (receipt) => setTx(receipt));
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is working now, thank You so much, i think the call back stuff is the best thanks

1 Like

Just tested with standard web3 initialized by WC:

        from: "xxxx",
        to: "xxxx",
        value: "100000000",
      .then((receipt) => {
        console.log(receipt); //doesn't return abything

So yes, this is just the way how WC works. Callback events are :rocket:

You are welcome!
Happy BUIDLing :man_mechanic: