Moralis Nodejs issue

Using node.js.
Read-Only Function has been processed using wait Moralis.Web3API.native.runContractFunction.

Is there a way to execute the code below?

Do you have any other sample code?

It has to be a read only function in order to work with runContractFunction

Previously, used “Moralis.executeFunction”, but “runContractFunction” is used for reasons not supported.
Writeable functions should be used
Do you have a sample code?

you can still use Moralis.executeFunction

Error: could not detect network (event=“noNetwork”, code=NETWORK_ERROR, version=providers/5.6.0)
reason: ‘could not detect network’,
event: ‘noNetwork’

what did you do before that? usually you have to use Moralis.enableWeb3()

await Moralis.start({ serverUrl: global.ENV.MORAL_SERVER, appId: global.ENV.MORAL_API_KEY, moralisSecret: global.ENV.MORAL_SECRET });

// Enable web3
await Moralis.enableWeb3({
gasLimit: {
“type”: “BigNumber”,
“hex”: global.ENV.GAS_LIMIT_HEX
chainId: global.ENV.CHAIN_ID,

ok, this was server side, in this case you will have to use web3 or ethers directly to make that call with a private key, mostly because the speedy node urls are discontinued now

So I’m asking if I can check the sample code using “web3” or “ethers”.