Moralis is not sending email verification to users

Thanks, that works! Email was sent.

Do you know also how to do the verification itself? Where do I get the link for verification, …?

The verification is handled by Moralis itself. The link will be unique for each email being sent and will be embedded in the email. You need not manually work on it.

Happy BUIDLing !

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@malik you guys should update the documentation to include that requestEmailVerification needs to be explicitly called. From the docs, it seems like it says that the verification email will automatically be sent after calling signUp

Also, it seems that for people using webhooks like myself, the requestVerificationEmail function is not present in moralis/node:

Is there a chance this can be fixed? It’d be great that emails get automatically sent every time the user email field changes.

@acorredor, what version of Moralis you have there?

I’m on "moralis": "^0.0.42".

For what it’s worth, I did check the JS in the node_modules and the function is indeed not there.

If you make a new node project with npm init --yes and npm install --save moralis you don’t find that function there?

I don’t. And if I run the code the program crashes saying requestEmailVerification is not a function. Are you able to confirm this on your end too?

These are the only references to requestEmailVerification in the bundle:

I don’t see it included in moralis/node there.

I tested this now:

const  Moralis = require('moralis/node')

[Function: requestEmailVerification]

Hmmm - strange. Thanks for confirming. I’ll see what’s going on on my end and report what’s up.

Ok, just verified two things:

  1. The function is indeed there. I definitely had a problem locally with my deps + build.
  2. requestEmailVerification does not send the email. I verified that requestPasswordReset does indeed work, so that ruled out that my email config was incorrect.

Any ideas?

you may need to add the email as parameter based on this response: Moralis is not sending email verification to users

Having this same issue as well trying to verify users with email.

I’m passing the email as a param already.

I’ll try to test it today.
@acorredor, can you share the code?

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@acorredor, from my tests everything works ok, I received an email automatically when I set the email to my user, and also I received an email when I used
await Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(user_email)
What it happened for me was that an original email sent as test was in Spam folder and not in Inbox folder.

Any idea why email verification code:

async function verify(){

            let user = Moralis.User.current();

            let userEmail =;

            await Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(email).then(() => {

                alert("Email Verification Sent");

            }).catch((error) => {

                alert("Error: " + error.message);



Is giving out this error:

Error: An appName, publicServerURL, and emailAdapter are required for password reset and email verification functionality.

you may need to set up sendgrid for your Moralis Server, api key and templates

Where do I do that from?, are these located in Moralis Dashboard? or Moralis Admin?.