Moralis.executeFunction not working

i got this

try replacing AppId with apiKey

yea it back on but still got this error

this error is from moralis-v1 sdk.

import { MoralisProvider, useMoralis, useWeb3Contract, useWeb3ExecuteFunction } from "react-moralis"

It seems like you are only using the above code from v1 sdk which is responsible for calling smartcontract functions.
In that case I recommend migrating to the other sdk’s like wagmi for calling smartcontract functions. Here is a wagmi docs on how you can small contract functions please try to use this for calling smart contract functions.

please will this clear the parse api error i keep getting?

Using wagmi, you will replace all the code related to calling contracts (where v1 sdk is used) so yes you will not see the error after migrating to magmi.

Before updating the code please have a look at the wagmi docs on how to call smart contract functions.