Moralis and Ganach set-up error

I’m trying to connect Ganache to Moralis. When I run npm run connect, I get the following error:

Subdomain not found!
Following servers were found:
What server do you want to connect to?:

What did i forget? The error and .env file configuration are attached.


your subdomain don’t need https:// also regenerate new secret as it has been comprimised

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Thanks for the reply. Regenerated the secrets and removed the https://… then ran npm run connect again and get the same error again: subdomain not found. Here’s the new .env file…

I have a same issue.

You are trying to connect to ganache?
Maybe you need to add “ if the path to frpc has spaces

Problem was that i didnt have local dev server so i created one and its working.


Are your talking about Ganache or another dev server? I was pretty sure I had set up Ganache properly.

you also need a moralis dev server, and not a mainnet or testnet one