Mint Price From Contract ABI


So in my mint function on my smart conrtact I have a function that returns the cost of the NFT given the _mintAmount. I want to use this function to place into the msg.Value section on the async mint function. But when I do so, nothing happens when I click the mint button, and I check the console and nothing has logged. Has anybody else ran into this problem?

Here is my js code:

async function mint() {
    await Moralis.enableWeb3({ provider: "metamask" });
    const price = await Moralis.Web3API.native.runContractFunction(checkCost);
    const sendOptions = {
      contractAddress: "0xa1A3012FbB75157A63F032a635F8039ec2376DF9",
      functionName: "checkCost",
      abi: ABI,
      params: {
        _mintAmount: price,
    const mintAmount = document.getElementById("mintAmount").value;
    const sendOptions = {
      contractAddress: "0xa1A3012FbB75157A63F032a635F8039ec2376DF9",
      functionName: "mint",
      abi: ABI,
      params: {
        _mintAmount: mintAmount,
      }, msgValue: Moralis.Units.Token(price);,

    await Moralis.executeFunction(sendOptions);
    await transaction.wait();

document.getElementById("login").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("mint").onclick = mint;
document.getElementById("mintAmount").value = mintAmount;

Hello can you read this on how to post code.

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async function mint() {
    await Moralis.enableWeb3({ provider: "metamask" });
    async function price() {
        return checkCost;
    const mintAmount = document.getElementById("mintAmount").value;
    const sendOptions = {
      contractAddress: "0xa1A3012FbB75157A63F032a635F8039ec2376DF9",
      functionName: "mint",
      abi: ABI,
      params: {
        _mintAmount: mintAmount,
      }, msgValue: price(),

    await Moralis.executeFunction(sendOptions);
    await transaction.wait();

document.getElementById("login").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("mint").onclick = mint;
document.getElementById("mintAmount").value = mintAmount;

So, I changed the code up a little bit and I think I am getting closer. Now I just need to figure out how to fix the bigNumber error I keep getting

UPDATE 07/16/2022:

@qudusayo has been helping me for a little bit and we got a step closer in my opinion. Now the only issue is the network error. He offered the idea of wrapping price in a function with the constant attatched and place this in my msg.Value.

Here is the code:

async function cost(mintAmount) {
  const options = {
    chain: "rinkeby",
    address: "0xa1A3012FbB75157A63F032a635F8039ec2376DF9",
    function_name: "checkCost",
    abi: ABI,
    params: {
      _mintAmount: mintAmount,
  const price = await Moralis.Web3API.native.runContractFunction(options);
  return price;

async function mint() {
  await Moralis.enableWeb3({ provider: "metamask" });

  const mintAmount = document.getElementById("mintAmount").value;

  const costPrice = Number(await cost(mintAmount));

  const sendOptions = {
    contractAddress: "0xa1A3012FbB75157A63F032a635F8039ec2376DF9",
    functionName: "mint",
    abi: ABI,
    params: {
      _mintAmount: mintAmount,
    msgValue: Moralis.Units.ETH(costPrice),

  let transaction = await Moralis.executeFunction(sendOptions);
  await transaction.wait();

And here is the network error:

This might be helpful [SOLVED] Why am I getting this error message: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED?