MetaMask - Invalid amount in MetaMask app on iPhone

Can you try to make that transfer directly with web3 or ethers?
You could try a simpler transfer that sends only MATIC from one account to another account.

I would think that it is a problem related to metamask application.

I tried to send MATIC directly with ethers.js, and this is working on both desktop and mobile. My code:

strange, as it should to the same thing

So I guess there is problem with erc20, since its working with native matic.

Same issue on android metamask app. Works fine for native transfers. I also confirmed the raw transaction data matches.

Yes, I can send BNB on binance chain no problem, also MATIC on mumbai polygon chain, native works on desktop and mobile.

But erc20 works only on desktop. But I still dont know if this is metamask mobile problem or Moralis?

Having the exact same problem!
Did you manage to solve it somehow? Or understand why it happens ?

Nop, it’s not working. I though Moralis team would want to solve this problem, but there is no response…

did you try with ethers directly and it worked with an ERC20 token?

No, do you have example how to do it?

you can try something like this:

abi = [
        "constant": false,
        "inputs": [
                "name": "_to",
                "type": "address"
                "name": "_value",
                "type": "uint256"
        "name": "transfer",
        "outputs": [
                "name": "",
                "type": "bool"
        "payable": false,
        "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
        "type": "function"

ethers = Moralis.web3Library
web3 = await Moralis.enableWeb3()
signer = web3.getSigner()
contract = new ethers.Contract("0xcontract_address", abi, web3)
await contract.connect(signer).transfer("0x321314124", 100)

I didn’t test it if it really works

Ok I tried this. Had to change value to ethers.utils.parseUnits(Amount, 18).

Result is, that this also worked only on desktop, but not on mobile app :confused:

it looks like a problem from metamask:

What is the best alternative to MetaMask?

usually wallet connect is used on mobile

Hi Guys,

Just add gasPrice in your transaction parameters and it will work.


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Please be kind and give me example how I set this, since there is nothing about that in moralis documentation. Thanks.

Hello RBE again. I tried this and I still get “Invalid amount” error:

Try using ethers.js directly as you’ve tried before but with setting the gasPrice. You can’t set gasPrice in the options using Moralis, it won’t use it.

Here is my last code:

This works on desktop and on mobile.

Maybe Moralis team should add option for gasLimit and gasPrice, otherwise you can’t user moralis for ERC20 transactions…