Lookup returns every rows extra columns as an array when joining

Cloud function for the join:

// this goes in the Moralis server Cloud Functions section
Moralis.Cloud.define("getUserCampaignsData", function(request) {
    const user = request.user;
    const query = new Moralis.Query("DonatedCampaign");

    const pipeline = [
      // only transfers to or from userAddress
      {match: {donor: user.id}},
      {lookup: {
      from: "Campaign",
      localField: "campaign",
      foreignField: "objectId",
      as: "campInfo"
    return query.aggregate(pipeline);

Campaign class https://i.imgur.com/76d8epZ.png
User class: https://i.imgur.com/ARsRnOR.png
Donated Campaign class: https://i.imgur.com/NhGzZ9g.png

Picture of the result in the networking tab https://i.imgur.com/tpigtnX.png

Also somewhere in your documentation it explicitly says that _id is not thing https://i.imgur.com/391RA1o.png

Yet I get _id values?

Also when i change the foreign key to “_id” I get no rows returned in campInfo

you. can also try to see more info on google on how to do it with parse server and mongo db.

for aggregation isn’t master key required?

you can add images here directly too, no need to upload them somewhere else

I’m slowly starting to figure it out, don’t know why your lookup in my eyes still doesn’t work how I expect it to but I realized why I was getting different field names.

When you return the array with the extra data in the as:'name" field in lookup it turns it into just a normal mongoDB kinda deal and it changes all the underlying field names so you get stuff like _id and _p_owner instead of just owner.

I couldn’t figure out how to fix the join I’m still getting all those extra rows I would expect the lookup to filter out so I just manually nulled all the invalid rows when rendering.

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Icon, Card, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';
const Moralis = require('moralis');
import {useMoralis} from 'react-moralis';

const  CampPage = () => {
    const {user} = useMoralis();
    const [camps, setCamps] = useState(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        async function queryWrap() {
                const DonatedCampaign = Moralis.Object.extend('DonatedCampaign');
                const camps = new Moralis.Query(DonatedCampaign);
                camps.equalTo('donor', user);
                const temp = await Moralis.Cloud.run('getUserCampaignsData');
        }, [user]);

    if (camps){
        return (
                <h1>Voted Campaigns</h1>
                <p> Your previously voted campaings:</p>
                    {camps.map(campaign => (
                        campaign['campInfo'].map(possibleCamp => (
                            possibleCamp['_id'] === campaign['campaign']['id'] ? (
                                            <span className='date'>{campaign['next_vote'].toString()}</span>
                                    <Card.Content extra>
                                            <Icon name='user' />
                            ) : null
            return <div> broken </div>;


// const getCampaigns = () => {
//     return Moralis.Cloud.run('getUserCampaigns');
// }

// export async function getStaticProps(){
//     const temp = await getCampaigns();
//     console.log(temp);
//     return {
//         props: {
//             campaigns: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temp))
//         }
//     }
// }
export default CampPage;

Can you suggest an aggregate function that is doing what ternary mapping is doing in my render?

Also I did add the , {useMasterKey:tree} (correct syntax thought because no error) and it made no difference.

Here is the moralis log for one of those queries

I’m still getting this same thing I noticed that I was comparing a pointer of an object to an objectId so I tried to be a little more explicit noticing the pointer object itself had the objectID stored but I still get the same thing

// this goes in the Moralis server Cloud Functions section
Moralis.Cloud.define("getUserCampaignsData", function(request) {
    const user = request.user;
    const query = new Moralis.Query("DonatedCampaign");

    const pipeline = [
      // Get Campaigns the current user has donated to in the lookuptable
      {match: {donor: user.id}},
      {lookup: {
        //From the DonateDampaign table match the campaign pointer to the Object id in the Campaign table
      from: "Campaign",
      //THIS IS THE LINE I JUST UPDATED campaign is a pointer to a Campaign.
      localField: "campaign.objectId",
      foreignField: "objectId",
        //Call this table campInfo
      as: "campInfo"
    return query.aggregate(pipeline,{useMasterKey:true});