IPFS no longer working in new Moralis release

IPFS stopped working on your new Moralis release, please advise. All functions related to IPFS as well as @walletconnect/web3-provider is not available.

What you mean by new Moralis release?
What version of Moralis SDK are you using?

I mean the latest Moralis SDK release 0.0.36 that was released about 19 hours ago.

I also keep getting this message while trying to host on vercel:

I think we need a proper documentation on how to use the Moralis sdk in a reactjs environment.

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Is it possible that this is a typescript issue? because I am using typescript. To be honest, the moralis sdk offers more flexibility than the moralis-react library. I actually tried using the moralis-react library some time back, and it was not a good experience.

However, the moralis sdk has been working perfectly well, even in nextjs until this release. Everything seems broken now.

Hey @hamidabdulmalik

More recently, Moralis has stopped automatically installing the WalletConnect. You need to install the WalletConnect provider by yourself

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Moralis-react is a โ€œwrapperโ€ for Moralis SDK.

Moralis for react doesnโ€™t fully support typescript currently. But the developers are now working hard on this. :man_mechanic:

This is a very new information and needs to be in the documentation. Thank you. I will install and get back to you. Thank you.

This information was added to the documentation immediately after the update.

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Ok, thank you. I am already working on it. This is very helpful.

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Also Iโ€™ve checked IPFS uploading from react Moralis and it works without issues.

Take a look at an example React File Upload/Profile Pic Issues ๐Ÿ™