Invalid Challenge for verifying EVM based signature using Moralis

While using the Auth API for EVM verification, I generated the request message using the following config object. The requestMessage API call returns a 200 status code but when I sign and send the signature back for verification, i always receive a 409 status with the following error


const config = {
  domain: '',
  statement: 'Please sign this message to confirm your identity.',
  uri: '',
  timeout: 120,
  chain: 1,


MoralisError [Moralis SDK Core Error]: [C0006] Request failed, Bad Request(400): Invalid Challenge
  isMoralisError: true,
  code: 'C0006',
  details: {
    status: 400,
    response: {
      status: 400,
      statusText: 'Bad Request',
      headers: [AxiosHeaders],
      config: [Object],
      request: [ClientRequest],
      data: [Object]

you will also receive a message to sign, you have to send the received message when you validate the signature

Yes I supplied that too to the verification API

you can test it directly in the swagger ui:

what auth key should I used? I always get an Unauthorized error 400

Your web3api key from your account

Yeah, it still gives me the same error that is ā€œInvalid Challengeā€. Any idea as to what exactly would be causing it?

It has a timeout, you did the request while the message was valid?

Is there any other info in the error message?

Yes I did request when the message was valid otherwise it would have thrown an ā€œInvalid Messageā€ error. There is no other info on the error message. Do you need anything specific?

it should work without issues, can you give more info?