Insufficient fund for error PLZ HELP URGENT FORTUNE 50 COMPANY

doesn’t work.
console.log(connection) NEVER resolves hence this code never gets run. socket connect seem to have succeeded. is it possible to omit user? moralis is bugging out because it is trying to add its own little service of fetching and updating user etc

i am using react-moralis. i will test with moralis itself brb

Error: You need to call Moralis.start with an applicationId before using Moralis. im using nextjs react. i am following the docs. your example is not compatible

ok sir solved it. plz make react-moralis docs better the useMoralis has many more functions than the docs show

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Agreed, what did you end up doing to make it work? It would be cool if you shared it just in case anyone else runs into the same issue (like myself lol). I’m getting that same > Error: You need… < message.