Identify One Collection on the OpenSea Shared Storefront

If I perform this:

const options = { address: "0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e", chain: "eth" };
const tokens = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds(options);

It has 1198312 results all belonging to the ā€œOpenSea Shared Storefrontā€. All the collections that have been minted on OpenSea share the same address. How can I limit the tokens to only a specific collection?

Hey so. Hereā€™s a quick rundown. An NFT collection is a type of token. There are many different types but being a token they all share some common traits one of those traits being address. Each NFT collection has there own address. Thus Moralis web3 api has the address property. To search for a specific NFT collection you need two things the chain and address. So for example, if I want to search for crypto punks I could go on to ether scan find the asscoiating collection. Get the address. Now given the address and chain you can query Moralis.

Hope this help.
Feel free to ask question :v:

The thing is that many collections on OpenSea share the same address:



They are in two different collections but share the same address, because they have both been minted on OpenSea and are part of the ā€œOpenSea Shared Storefrontā€.

So, how to distinguish them through Moralis?

how can you distinguish them on chain? maybe an opensea collection is only something that opensea knows how to identify

Yea I worry about that :slight_smile: I canā€™t see any way in the data to distinguish them.

Please maybe you can help me too.
My NFT marketplace is almost ready,every function is working perfectly but i noticed that users cannot view NFT collections if they do not authenticate their wallet to login(This is unlike opensea where you can view all NFTs without linking your wallet and only need to connect wallet optionally or when you need to make a transaction)
Also I noticed that user cannot authenticate if the wallet isnt attached as an extension to the browser in use,this is a big problem for mobile users who will not have a means of adding metamask as an extension to their mobile phone browsers.

i will be happy if i can solve these two challenges,
so that users just visiting the app can see all the NFT collections in the dapp and so that users can authenticate in remote wallet providers.