I am unable to get userInfo and profile button not working - CLONE RARIBLE IN 24 HORS

It looks like I can not see it on phone. I’ll look later.

okay thank you very much

can you post a screenshot or copy paste the error?
I would prefer not to download files from the internet.

This is it bro


image is not displaying too @cryptokid

Some errors too

This is another error when i click save button


can you also add before the line that gives you that error this line:

This is what i get


This looks like a different error, maybe you modified something in html page or JavaScript code for that openuserInfo, or maybe you made a typo.

It’s pointing to this


You may need to use a string there as parameter instead of a variable name for getElementById

How do i do that bro?

You add things like “

Like what bro? this you mean " " @cryptokid

yes, I mean to put something between " ", like getElementById(“userAvatarImg”) vs getElementById(userAvatarImg)

Okay bro I will do that now thanks

It’s improving now bro, see this error, it successfully gets the avatar, now when i upload avatar, and i click on save button, it will alert me userInfo saved successsfully, but after that when i click on “OK” it won’t display the avatar on the Profile.


nice :slight_smile:
you have x = avatar.save(), you should use there x = await avatar.save()
and then you can add a console.log(x)

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Okay i will do that now. Thanks
It took me a lot of time to study the code and i eventually found out the error which allow me to uplaod the avatar, now it remains only the avatar to show.

I will do that right now, Hope it will work out.