How to set rate limit with moralis UI

I see this doc to set rate limit
But the docs for cloud code are quite hard to read so is there any way I can do it by moralis UI (dashboard page) or anything else

you can not do that in the new interface, that was possible in the legacy interface, but the legacy interface is discontinued

Is there anyway I can set back to legacy interface ?

you will find a temporary link to the legacy interface in other similar forum threads, but it is not expected to work for long

how do you use the web3api? maybe you don’t even need a server

I call function in 2 ways:

  1. in server like this Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds()
  2. Call direct web3api here

from where do you call it in the first case, from your local computer system in backend, from front end?

I call it from local server BE

ok, you don’t need a server in this case, you can use moralisSecret with version 1 of the sdk or directly with the api key with version 2 of the sdk

some examples that may help you:

In case I want to change moralis limit to all api call. Do you have a full example for cloud code for that

you just change those parameters in that example from documentation, you will hit the rate limit associated with your account after that in case that you make too many requests

I mean I want to set rate-limit for BE call (like this ). I am in pro plan and just can call 30 request per minutes. It’s too small

if you don’t use a Moralis Server, you will have the default rate limit that is associated with your account

you should be able to make 60/5 requests per second for getAllTokenIds with a pro plan

Do you mean per minute ?
The docs said the default is 30 per minute

I didn’t refer to that limit, you don’t even need to use a Moralis Server in your case, you can increase that rate limit to any number that you want in cloud code