How to Calculate the Numbers Pulled from Blockchain by Moralis?

this looks pretty magical to someone whoā€™s used to looking at Wordpress drag and drop lol. Coding is literally kicking my butt. I like the challenge and I love learning but wow, doing it all from scratch and knowing absolutely nothing about javascript is intense

I replaced the two sections of codes with yours:

async function userBudsBalance(){
    const chainOptions = { chain: "bsc" }
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
    const tokenAddress =  "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58"; // Buds Contract Address
    const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    return tokenBalance.balance;

async function updateHTML(value) {
   document.getElementById("budsBalanceNum").innerHTML = value/10**9;

userBudsBalance().then((balance) => {

and console returned error, uncaught (in promise), tokenBalance is not defined

full code please :raised_hands:

The error message speaks about the error itself

maybe I should just change my title in the forum to asking if any developers are for hire and can get this job done within a couple days lol. By the time I learn Javascript itā€™ll be 2025 :rofl:

Full code:

Moralis.initialize("KVsRENKf8Y0FrI0l57LMYMjRJsQTd8UbYP36qFV0"); // Application id from
Moralis.serverURL = ""; // Server url from

 async function login() {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();

    try {
        currentUser = await Moralis.User.current();
        if (!currentUser) {
            currentUser = await Moralis.authenticate().then(function (user) {
        document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("BudsRewardsDapp").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("logoutBtn").style.display = "block";
    } catch (error) {

logout = async () => {
    await Moralis.User.logOut();
    document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("BudsRewardsDapp").style.display = "none";

async function userBudsBalance() {
    const chainOptions = {
        chain: "bsc"
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
    // const tokenAddress =  "0x720b40cd711df11e62dfd0c88797da100d5f09e6"; // 420 Contract Address
    const tokenAddress = "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58";
    // Buds Contract Address
    // const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    console.log(tokenBalance.balance); // do your log here
    return tokenBalance.balance;

const tokenBalance = await userBudsBalance()

tokenBalance.then((value) => {
    document.getElementById("budsBalanceNum").innerHTML = value / 10 ** 9;
}, function (error) {

async function userBudsBalance(){
    const chainOptions = { chain: "bsc" }
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
    const tokenAddress =  "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58"; // Buds Contract Address
    const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    return tokenBalance.balance;

async function updateHTML(value) {
   document.getElementById("budsBalanceNum").innerHTML = value/10**9;

userBudsBalance().then((balance) => {

async function claimBudsRewards() {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();
    const Rewards = {
        contractAddress: "0x058cdF0fF70f19629D4F50faC03610302e746e58",
        functionName: "claimRewards",
        abi: window.abi
    const BudsRewards = await Moralis.executeFunction(Rewards);

async function totalRewards() {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();
    let contractAbi = [{
            "inputs": [],
            "name": "viewRewardsAndLiquidityInfo",
            "outputs": [
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "sumOfAllHOLDRBalances",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "theCurrentRewardsCycle",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "lengthOfRewardsCycle",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "budsAccumulationFromLiquidityFee",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "lastTimeDividendsWereReleased",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "dividendsClaimableNow",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "dividendsLeftFromReservedSupplyForHOLDRs",
                    "type": "uint256"
            "stateMutability": "view",
            "type": "function"
    const options = {
        contractAddress: "0x058cdF0fF70f19629D4F50faC03610302e746e58",
        functionName: "viewRewardsAndLiquidityInfo",
        abi: contractAbi
    x = await Moralis.executeFunction(options)

x = totalRewards()

x.then(function (value) {
    b = tokenBalance;
    // need a way to parse b

    y = x.budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee / 10 ** 9;
    z = x.sumOfAllHOLDRBalances / 10 ** 9;

    a = y / z;
    // this worked

    /* amount of rewards is calculated by:
            ((tokenBalance * x.budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee) / x.sumOfAllHOLDRBalances) / 10**9;
            problem is the first two steps are already resulting in NaN

    document.getElementById("budsRewardPool").innerHTML = y;
    document.getElementById("rewardsCycle").innerHTML = x.theCurrentRewardsCycle;
    document.getElementById("budsDividendsPool").innerHTML = x.dividendsLeftFromReservedSupplyForHOLDRs / 10 ** 9;
    document.getElementById("sumOfHolders").innerHTML = x.sumOfAllHOLDRBalances / 10**9;
  //  document.getElementById("rewardsAmount").innerHTML = a;
}, function (error) {

document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("logoutBtn").onclick = logout;
document.getElementById("budsClaimRewards").onclick = claimBudsRewards;

youā€™re right, I am a big doofus. I forgot to comment out

b = tokenBalance

leave it up to me to make the simplest mistakes lol Iā€™m sorry :man_facepalming:

So does it work correctly now?

Also I suggest you to ā€œupgradeā€ return for this function:

async function userBudsBalance() {
  const chainOptions = { chain: "bsc" };
  const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
  const tokenAddress = "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58"; // Buds Contract Address
  const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
  if (tokenBalance) {
    return tokenBalance.balance;
  } else {
    return null;

it called the balance of the user correctly, but Iā€™m trying to figure out how to use that balance to calculate the amount of rewards that the user gets.

async function userBudsBalance(){
    const chainOptions = { chain: "bsc" }
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
    const tokenAddress =  "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58"; // Buds Contract Address
    const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    return tokenBalance.balance;

async function updateHTML(value) {
   document.getElementById("budsBalanceNum").innerHTML = value/10**9;

userBudsBalance().then((balance) => {

I tried going to the browser to open up the console where the html/js file are on the VS code live server and I typed in these values:

  • userBudsBalance - which returned the async function
  • value - as soon I click enter, it turns into valueOf
  • balance - this comes back as undefined

so now Iā€™m not sure which of these values I can use to add to the equation to get the userā€™s reward amount

thanks lol Iā€™ve been using the html to fill in ā€œBuy Some Budsā€ if the function calls back they have zero balance. Your method works way better

Hey @derekryansnzy

How is it going? :man_factory_worker:

Sorry for the late response! I fell asleep last night lol and spent most of today figuring out stuff for my BSC project. I am back to the javascript codes now. I will report back shortly with results. Really appreciate you checking in on me :sob:

1 Like

Hey Yomoo, I am still super stuck lol. I got most of the codes to work, but really, theyā€™re just the codes you guys have helped me out with. I did do a quick crash course on javascript, async and await and I have a much better understanding of it now. Take a look at the codes below:

login = async () => {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();
    try {
        currentUser = await Moralis.User.current();
        if (!currentUser) {
            currentUser = await Moralis.authenticate().then(function (user) {
        document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("BudsRewardsDapp").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("logoutBtn").style.display = "block";
    } catch (error) {

logout = async () => {
    await Moralis.User.logOut();
    document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("BudsRewardsDapp").style.display = "none";

userBudsBalance = async () => {
    const chainOptions = {
        chain: "bsc"
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(chainOptions);
    const tokenAddress = "0x058cdf0ff70f19629d4f50fac03610302e746e58"; // Buds Contract Address
    const tokenBalance = balances.find((token) => token.token_address === tokenAddress);
    if (tokenBalance) {
        return tokenBalance.balance;
    } else {
        return null;

// after userBudsBalance is called
// this is the section that returns the balance
userBudsBalance().then((balance) => {
// I need the balance from this function 
// to calculate the amount of rewards
// an user is eligible for

updateHTML = async (value) => {
    document.getElementById("budsBalanceNum").innerHTML = value / 10 ** 9;

totalRewards = async () => {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();
    let contractAbi = [{
            "inputs": [],
            "name": "viewRewardsAndLiquidityInfo",
            "outputs": [
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "sumOfAllHOLDRBalances",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "theCurrentRewardsCycle",
                    "type": "uint256"
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "lengthOfRewardsCycle",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "budsAccumulationFromLiquidityFee",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "lastTimeDividendsWereReleased",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "dividendsClaimableNow",
                    "type": "uint256"
                }, {
                    "internalType": "uint256",
                    "name": "dividendsLeftFromReservedSupplyForHOLDRs",
                    "type": "uint256"
            "stateMutability": "view",
            "type": "function"
    const options = {
        contractAddress: "0x058cdF0fF70f19629D4F50faC03610302e746e58",
        functionName: "viewRewardsAndLiquidityInfo",
        abi: contractAbi
    x = await Moralis.executeFunction(options)

x = totalRewards()
x.then(function (value) {
    document.getElementById("budsRewardPool").innerHTML = x.budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee / 10 ** 9;
    document.getElementById("rewardsCycle").innerHTML = x.theCurrentRewardsCycle;
    document.getElementById("sumOfHolders").innerHTML = x.sumOfAllHOLDRBalances / 10 ** 9;
    document.getElementById("budsDividendsPool").innerHTML = x.sumOfAllHOLDRBalances / 10 ** 9;

// so I thought maybe I'd do another function
// to calculate claimableRewards:
claimableRewards = async () => {
    const userEligibility = await userBudsBalance();
    // I'm not sure how to call balance from userBudsBalance.then(balance)


async function claimBudsRewards() {
    const web3 = await Moralis.enable();
    const Rewards = {
        contractAddress: "0x058cdF0fF70f19629D4F50faC03610302e746e58",
        functionName: "claimRewards",
        abi: window.abi
    const BudsRewards = await Moralis.executeFunction(Rewards);

document.getElementById("connectWalletBtn").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("connectWalletBtnRt").onclick = login;
document.getElementById("logoutBtn").onclick = logout;
document.getElementById("budsClaimRewards").onclick = claimBudsRewards;

I left some comments in the code, but Iā€™ll explain here as well, just in case itā€™s still unclear.
I am trying to get the balance from userBudsBalance to put into another equation.
The equation would be to find out claimableRewards.
The equation is:
(balance * x.budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee) / sumOfAllHOLDRSBalances

Hope this makes sense!

Hey Yoomoo, I left an update here about 4 days ago, I was wondering if you had time to take a look at the more cleaned up codes for me? Still stuck on that one calculation bit lol

given this equation, what is the problem that you have? what it doesnā€™t work? do you have the right data in the variables? the result is not the expected one? the formatting of the result is not the e expected one?

In the codes itself I left some comments because I think it doesnā€™t quite make sense if I asked the question without showing the codes.

Thereā€™s an async function userBudsBalance that uses Moralis to find the balance of the token. After that, userBudsBalance().then((balance) => {} shows the value of the balance.

Further down in the code, after using another function totalRewards to get the other information I need for the equation, I created another async function called claimableRewards. I need to figure out how to call the (balance) from userBudsBalance in order to use it for the equation (balance * x.budsAccumulationFromRewardsFee) / sumOfAllHOLDRSBalances

Does this make sense?

I just looked at random lines, here donā€™t you want to log BudsRewards instead of Rewards.
Donā€™t you also want to return something from this function?

You should be able to call userBudsBalance like this: n = await userBudsBalance()

Actually right now I just ran into a different problemā€¦all of the codes stopped working and I havenā€™t change anything for the last few days because I was waiting on a response from this thread.

Right now console shows this error:
moralis.js:6325 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Web3Api not initialized, run Moralis.start() first

but I have web3 enabledā€¦am I missing something?

regarding your question about logging BudsRewards, I just did log Rewards because I was checking to make sure the numbers came back. Youā€™re the person that helped me write the rewards codes here: