How to add slippage and gas options in DEX using moralis

Hi, I am using moralis for my DEX. I need some help regarding slippage and gas options where users can increase or decrease gas. Is this possible with moralis? If yes then how?

It looks like this forum post sets the slippage in that code example: [SOLVED] 1inch Plugin not working with buying custom tokens, increase slippage as solution

what about gas price? can I do something so the user can increase or decrease gas price for faster or slower transactions?

async function swap() {
  const receipt = await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.swap({
    chain: 'bsc', // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
    fromTokenAddress: '0x0da6ed8b13214ff28e9ca979dd37439e8a88f6c4', // The token you want to swap
    toTokenAddress: '0x6fd7c98458a943f469e1cf4ea85b173f5cd342f4', // The token you want to receive
    amount: 1000,
    fromAddress: '0x6217e65d864d77DEcbFF0CFeFA13A93f7C1dD064', // Your wallet address
    slippage: 1, //Slippage

what about gas price? can I do something so the user can increase or decrease gas
Price for faster or slower transactions

It’s not available currently. Will be added on next plugin versions. Currently the wallet choose the fee automatically

how to do this in a javascript code that doesn’t use moralis

We have deprecated our DEX plugin. If you like to implement DEX on your own, feel free to use the 1inch APIs.