When I run this request:
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/0x65c5493e6d4d7bf2da414571eb87ed547eb0abed?chain=eth&format=decimal' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
I gest these headers:
x-rate-limit-ip-used: 5
x-rate-limit-limit: 3500
x-rate-limit-remaining-ip-ttl: 60
x-rate-limit-remaining-ttl: 60
x-rate-limit-throttle-ip-used: 5
x-rate-limit-throttle-limit: 88
x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining-ip-ttl: 1
x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining-ttl: 1
x-rate-limit-throttle-used: 5
x-rate-limit-used: 5
x-request-weight: 5
This is what I understand:
- Cost of request is 5
- I should be able to do 700 per minute ( x-rate-limit-limit / x-request-weight) = (3500 / 5) = 700?
- I can do 88 requests per second? ( x-rate-limit-throttle-limit)
- why does it say remaning is 1? ( x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining-ttl) I was expecting it to be 83? (since I had 88 and 5 were used)?
- I want to make all requests from one single IP, a server? Can the server use all the quota?
- is it possible to see the x-rate via the SDK? e.g. when running Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds(options)?