Wallet connect metamask authentication problem in mobile web

I have studied the api “Crypto Login” document (https://docs.moralis.io/moralis-server/users/crypto-login)

in web browser it works fine, but in mobile it couldn’t work.
Calling walletconnet is working, however there is no permission alert in metamask…
Would you like to help me?

there is no permission alert …

what you mean by permission alert in metamask?
On mobile walletconnect should work, can you share your code that you used?

my problem is similar to this (refer to link)

you are using react native?

Yes, I downloaded the boiler plate from git and tried to launch it after I updated the moralis server information as instructed in the readme. The only thing from the readme that I couldn’t see in the repo was it asked to copy the .env.example file which wasn’t in the repo so I thought maybe I’m missing some environment variables. Just not sure at this point.

I remember about this tread with .env: Clarification of the step "Copy .env.example to .env" in etherum react native boilerplate

No, I’m using js code in web and call this in webview

can you explain again what is the problem, maybe adding a screenshot?

When I developed test site to connect metamask via WalletConnect.
In Chrome in desktop, it’s working.
However in mobile web(or webview), it is not working. (calling metamask is working, but not ask connecting permission)

but it will ask to sign a message when you want to authenticate?

yes when i authenticate, there is no permission window

and the authentication works or it doesn’t work?