Hello, i have a question about ipfs

I read the moralis forum looking for the answer and I didn’t get it, they share an api for ipfs called Moralis.EvmApi.ipfs.uploadFolder({}); but try the answer:

ResponseAdapter {
   jsonResponse: [
       path: 'https://ipfs.moralis.io:2053/ipfs/QmW1K1xn8eYUUVBCZd6b9c2d4LabbrDjGAZ9yLEQEL5YEA/YOUR_FILE_PATH'
   getResponse: Æ’(),
   __proto__: {
     toJSON: Æ’(),
     constructor: Æ’ ResponseAdapter(),
     output: [
         path: 'https://ipfs.moralis.io:2053/ipfs/QmW1K1xn8eYUUVBCZd6b9c2d4LabbrDjGAZ9yLEQEL5YEA/YOUR_FILE_PATH'
     raw: [
         path: 'https://ipfs.moralis.io:2053/ipfs/QmW1K1xn8eYUUVBCZd6b9c2d4LabbrDjGAZ9yLEQEL5YEA/YOUR_FILE_PATH'

get the hash like the old

const file = new Moralis.File(data.name, data);
  await file.saveIPFS();

I have the complete project built, and stored the data in hash, since I can obtain the hash of 1 single file, I don’t want to upload a folder or change the entire code. I already have many migrations.

we don’t have an API endpoint now for a single ipfs hash, maybe you can use the same file in a folder like hash/file and update the code to add a file constant at the end, or you can try to use other providers for IPFS

ok thanks, time to refactor code, I want to cry, thanks cryptokid.

hi, can help me in this post please, https://forum.moralis.io/t/hi-i-have-a-question-about-streams/23405/2