getTokeBalances() not resolving

Console log 1: before getTokenBalances
Console log 2: undefined

Try this one now:

            console.log("before getTokenBalances");
            payload_ = { chain: "bsc", address: "0x07802E83B3a8733F6d3ee9b55131899A1e188f45" };
            balances_ = await  Web3Api.account.getTokenBalances(payload_);

Unfortunately, I’m using the Rinkeby testnet, so I don’t think I can specify bsc with that address?

you can specify any blockchain there

Hey @Reaper
Please share your server subdomain :raised_hands:

Eth: Rinkeby is what my server’s running on (or do you want my url?)

Still an empty return

Hey, here it is: s09whrap35jo

What versions of Moralis and react-moralis do you use? Do you see any errors on console?

Please share the request responses after you call the functions:

Moralis: 0.0.45
React-Moralis: 0.2.2

No errors in the console relating to Moralis.

Is this suitable? Would you like the request payload too? (contains my app ID)

and you can also post the request parameters?



Don’t worry, that’s just a test wallet address made exclusively for this hehe

And are you sure it returns something for these parameters?
Can you paste the parameters so we can test with those parameters?

It used to return something containing .Balance = 0 (which was correct, for this address)

const payload = { chain: “eth”, to_block: 9297670 };
const balance = await Web3Api.account.getTokenBalances(payload);

The entire parameters, including the address, I can not test only with what you pasted.

That is the entire parameters, my user logs in through MetaMask and therefore Moralis has the user auth’d already, so my address gets automatically injected… This is a copy and paste of the code that generates the Request Payload shown above (where my address appears inside it)