Hi there,
Is there a quick way of getting the liquidity pair price of cake-LP WBNB/BTCB?
the contract is = 0x61eb789d75a95caa3ff50ed7e47b96c132fec082
and it has total supply of 18,128.511952 Cake-LP
This token pair has a value of $165,044,465
Hence, for 1 cake-LP price is $165,044,465/18,128.511952 or $9,104.12
Currently, I have to take several steps to get to the cake-LP price. Is there a quicker method?
For example if I have 2.395 token of the liquidity pair cake-LP (0x61eb789d75a95caa3ff50ed7e47b96c132fec082) and 4.2753 token of the liquidity pair cake-LP (SUSHI-ETH LP) (0x16aFc4F2Ad82986bbE2a4525601F8199AB9c832D)
What is the total liquidity of my portfolio?