Get access to the owner tokens

According to the PancakeSwap docs, swapExactTokensForETH will only give back BNB. I am on the Moralis Discord as โ€œgladโ€.

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Are you online on the server now? i cant find you under moralis team :slight_smile:

Hey runContractFunction is read-only, thereโ€™s no wallet in the backend to pay that gas fee to approve :raised_hands:

Also @alex here is a part of active community member, you can feel free ask him anything

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Thanx for your answer. I applied the approve function on the frontend as you said and when i click the approve button on the web application the metamask pops up and i pay the approve fees.

Should I implement approve function on the backend also? or it should be another solution?

And I would Thank you guys for supporting. Amazing Team :100:

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Sorry should have mentioned id: glad#4139.

You can move things to a backend once you have everything working here first, best to keep things as simple as possible until you know itโ€™s working.